ForU is a mobile texting app that replaces any curse words with expressive emoticons. In this generation, cursing and bad words became so natural, and it became a habit for so many people including minors. This app will help you express in different ways other than cursing or bad words. This app will help users protect themselves from curse words or fix their cursing habits.

User interviews uncovered 2 different types of users:
• Those who want to be protected from curse words.
• Those who want to fix their cursing habits
Jennifer would use it as protection. Justin would use it to fix his cursing habit.

Jennifer's User Journey
Jennifer gets uncomfortable whenever she hears or sees any curse words. She does not want to force her friends to change their language habits just for her. She decides to use forU as a protection.

Justin's User Journey
Justin wants to fix his cursing habits because he doesn't want to influence his younger siblings. He downloads forU, and uses it to limit the way of using curse words. His curse words are replaced with expressive emoticons. He can keep track of curse words he used in the app. There is also a rewarding system in the app that helps him to avoid using curse words.

ForU Advertisement
forU advertisement and installation (vending machine) would be located at near bar and train stations. While viewing and interacting with this experience, visitors would be able to learn and download the app. My goal is to provide the general public with the motivation to minimize their use of curse words and provide protection to users who don't want to be exposed to curse words.

ForU Advertisement and Vending Machine
This is the outside of a train station that advertises forU and has forU vending machine.